Hughes v. Astrue

Federal 7th Circuit Court
Civil Court
Social Security
Case Number: 
No. 12-1873
Decision Date: 
January 16, 2013
Federal District: 
N.D. Ill., E. Div.
Reversed and remanded
Record failed to contain sufficient evidence to support IJ’s denial of claimant’s application for social security disability benefits based on claimant’s adhesive capsulitis condition that caused her shoulders and arms to become weak and unable to lift objects weighing over 10 pounds, as well as claimant’s chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. ALJ failed to explain why he ignored medical opinion of expert whom ALJ had assigned to obtain more information about claimant and further neglected to explain why claimant could perform her prior job as hotel clerk that required her to lift coffee urn weighing up to 30 pounds. Record also failed to support ALJ finding that claimant could stand for six hours in eight-hour workday, and ALJ gave too much emphasis on fact that claimant could perform certain household chores.