Maus v. Baker

Federal 7th Circuit Court
Civil Court
Case Number: 
No. 13-2420
Decision Date: 
September 5, 2013
Federal District: 
E.D. Wisc.
Motion for free copy of trial transcript denied
Ct. of Appeals denied plaintiff-prisoner’s request for free trial transcript for purposes of supporting his appeal from dismissal of his section 1983 action that alleged that defendants-prison officials used excessive force on multiple occasions. While plaintiff argued that he could not afford said transcript, which, he claimed, was required to be filed in his appeal, plaintiff’s status, as prisoner with three strikes against him under 28 USC section 1915(g), precluded him from obtaining free copy of trial transcript where, as here, there was no allegation that plaintiff's appeal concerned situation in which he was in imminent danger of serious physical injury.