U.S. v. Jones

Federal 7th Circuit Court
Criminal Court
Supervised Release
Case Number: 
No. 13-3673
Decision Date: 
December 16, 2014
Federal District: 
C.D. Ill.
Dist. Ct. did not err in finding that defendant had violated terms of his supervised release and sentencing defendant to four additional months incarceration, followed by 36 months of additional supervised release. Said sentence was within lower range of possible incarceration and was well within applicable range for additional supervised release. Moreover, said sentence was reasonable given instant violations that included two failures to report to his probation office, two incidents of resisting peace officer, and single instances of aggravated battery, battery and unlawful possession of marijuana. Ct. further rejected defendant’s claim that Dist. Ct. failed to consider alternatives to his 4-month incarceration, or that imposition of 36-month term of additional supervised release was unreasonable.