June 2011Volume 5Number 1PDF icon PDF version (for best printing)

ISBA Diversity Web page

As a recommendation of the 2007-2008 Task Force on Diversity, the ISBA diversity Web page serves as a central repository of the latest diversity-related information, activities and events within the bar association as well as the Illinois legal community. The Web page also provides insight into recent diversity led initiatives and highlights the progress of other Task Force recommendations.

Key Reports

Diversity reports created by the Task Force are available on the web page including the 2008 Task Force status report to the ISBA Assembly; and, the 2009 report and recommendations of the Task Force.

Diversity Matters Newsletters

Launched in 2007, the Diversity Matters newsletter is in its fifth year of publication with this edition. Each of these annual newsletters is available on the diversity web page.

Diversity Leadership Award

Another recommendation of the Task Force, the Diversity Leadership Award recognizes those individuals or organizations whose efforts have promoted greater diversity within the bar. The award information and criteria are available on the web page as well.

Diversity Leadership Council

The web page highlights the diversity-related committees within the ISBA and allows for one-stop shopping in learning more about the work of these important committees. While the Diversity Leadership Council fosters communication and coordination between the ISBA diversity-related committees and section councils, the latter lead these efforts within the organization including the Standing Committee on Diversity Pipeline, the Standing Committee on Racial and Ethnic Minorities and the Law, the Standing Committee on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity, the Standing Committee on Women and the Law, the Human Rights Section and the International and Immigration Law Section.

To learn more about diversity within the ISBA, both past and present initiatives, or how you can become more involved in these efforts, visit the Web page at <http://www.isba.org/diversity>. ■

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