June 2015Volume 8Number 1PDF icon PDF version (for best printing)

Standing Committee on Disability Law

The Disability Law Committee has submitted and been approved for two CLE studio programs, one on guardianships and the other on service animals. Scheduling of these programs is in progress. In addition, in cooperation with St. Louis University Law School and Land of Lincoln Legal Assistance Foundation, we held a program in March at SLU for law students who might be interested in a career in disability law. Previous programs for law students have been held at SIU-Carbondale Law School and John Marshall. Planning for future law student programs is ongoing. Our thanks to Brandy Johnson, Latasha Barnes and Scott Gertz for the SLU event.

The Disability Law Committee has established a subcommittee on ISBA accessibility and we are currently working with ISBA to schedule training of ISBA staff to ensure that materials and information are sent in a format accessible to persons with disabilities. We continue to discuss the issue of the accessibility of facilities used by ISBA for conferences and meetings. Finally, we continue to review key pieces of legislation pending in the General Assembly and budget issues pertaining to persons with disabilities.

I believe Dr. Milano will be taking over as our chairperson in June.

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