Articles From Anthony J. DelGiorno

Cook County Circuit Court nears implementation of Elder Law Division By Anthony J. DelGiorno Elder Law, June 2011 The Honorable Patricia Banks has been named as the presiding judge of the new division, which she hopes will be up and running sometime in 2011.
From the Editor By Anthony J. DelGiorno Elder Law, June 2011 A farewell message from Editor Anthony DelGiorno.
JCAR kills proposed HFS rules implementing DRA By Anthony J. DelGiorno Elder Law, June 2011 At its May 10, 2011 hearing, the Illinois Legislature's Joint Committee on Administrative Rules committee moved to a final vote and unanimously rejected the Department’s proposed rules to implement the Deficit Reduction Act and its revisions to Medicaid and asset transfer allowances.
Note from the editor By Anthony J. DelGiorno Elder Law, February 2011 An introduction to the issue from Editor Tony DelGiorno.
Who’s in charge? By Lee Beneze & Anthony J. DelGiorno Elder Law, February 2011 Important contact information for Congressional leadership.
A note from the Editor… By Anthony J. DelGiorno Elder Law, February 2010 This note addresses a letter to the editor regarding an article in the October 2009 issue of this newsletter.
From the Editor . . . By Anthony J. DelGiorno Elder Law, May 2008 It was a pleasure to serve as editor of the Elder Law Section Council’s Newsletter during the 2007-08 year.
Judicial Medicaid Planning—Convincing the judge is easier than convincing DHS By Anthony J. DelGiorno Elder Law, October 2007 Generally, it can be presumed that senior citizens who have saved money their entire lives do not wish to see a lifetime of savings be lost because they need nursing home care.
Before implementation—What is an elder law attorney to do about the Deficit Reduction Act? By Anthony J. DelGiorno Elder Law, May 2007 It’s been just over a year since the enactment of the Deficit Reduction Act of 2005 (DRA), and Illinois has until July 2007 to implement the federally mandated changes to eligibility for Medicaid.
New state law to allow municipalities to ban smoking in public places may not be as far reaching as believed By Anthony J. DelGiorno Local Government Law, September 2005 On August 10, 2005, Governor Rod Blagojevich signed into law House Bill 672 (Public Act 94-517), which was designed to amend the Illinois Clean Indoor Air Act to permit all municipalities, whether home rule units or not, to ban indoor smoking in public places

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