Articles From Stanley H. Jakala

A policeman’s disability application cannot be denied based upon one dissenting doctor selected by the Police Pension Board By Daniel P. Jakala & Stanley H. Jakala Administrative Law, May 2008 In a significant and ground-breaking decision rendered on November 1, 2007, the Supreme Court ruled that there is no longer a requirement that three physicians selected by the board all certify that the applicant is disabled in order for a police officer to be awarded a disability pension.
A policeman’s disability application cannot be denied based upon one dissenting doctor selected by the Police Pension Board By Daniel P. Jakala & Stanley H. Jakala Workers’ Compensation Law, March 2008 Police Officer Wade was an officer with 20 years of police service. In April 2002, as Wade was escorting a handcuffed prisoner down a steep embankment, the prisoner stumbled and fell, causing the plaintiff to suddenly fall and injure his right knee

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