Articles From George G. Leynaud

Case summaries By Lori G. Levin, Steve Baker, David B. Franks, Hon. Michael P. McCuskey, Sandra Blake, George G. Leynaud, & Judith Lozier Criminal Justice, May 2009 Recent cases of interest to criminal law attorneys.
From the Chair By George G. Leynaud Insurance Law, May 2006 We are pleased on behalf of the Insurance Law Section Council to release the fourth publication of The Policy with yet one additional issue to be published in the near future.
“Is an excluded named driver really excluded?” and “Never take no for an answer” By George G. Leynaud Tort Law, December 2002 Recently, our office inherited a client who had been informed by prior counsel of the potential inability to collect insurance proceeds from a single vehicle collision that resulted in her husband's death.

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