Articles From James A. Nepple

Mergers and acquisitions By James A. Nepple Business Advice and Financial Planning, June 2009 In a general practice setting, a discussion of Mergers & Acquisitions will focus primarily on acquisitions, since statutory mergers are, in this context, used primarily to change entity, change domicile, or otherwise change the nature of the entity, rather than to acquire other companies.  
Basic income taxation of entities and their owners By James A. Nepple Business Advice and Financial Planning, June 2007 This article reviews how entities and their owners are taxed as sole proprietorships, partnerships, and corporations.
Financial planning for retirement plan assets under the new Bankruptcy Code By James A. Nepple Business Advice and Financial Planning, January 2006 The Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act of 2005 (“BAPA”) is effective beginning October 17, 2005.

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