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May 2011Volume 1Number 1PDF icon PDF version (for best printing)

Editor’s note

This is the first Newsletter of the ISBA Construction Section. It is titled “Building Knowledge” to reflect the dissemination of information on current developments in Construction Law. This issue features a report by the current chair of the Construction Section, Howard Feldman. It also features two articles.

Mark Friedlander analyzes the various construction delivery methods for structuring a construction project. Mark is co-chair of the Construction Law Group of Schiff Hardin LLP and recent President of the Society of Illinois Construction Attorneys.

Bruce Schoumacher writes about a significant change to the Illinois version of the Uniform Arbitration Act. Bruce is co-chair of the Construction Practice Group at Querrey & Harrow Ltd. Bruce is also the current Secretary of the ISBA Construction Section Council and President of the Society of Illinois Construction Attorneys. Christine Fallara of Querrey & Harrow Ltd. assisted in the preparation of the article.

This issue also includes the Mission Statement of the ISBA Construction Section. The Construction Section is looking for articles to publish. Please feel free to submit articles to me or contact me about articles. ■

Samuel Levine

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