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2013 Articles

Things judges love and things they don’t about lawyers By Hon. Robert J. Anderson March 2013 A judge's perspective on the things lawyers do well and maybe not quite as well.
Trial court’s award of sole custody to father affirmed where father did not request sole custody in any pleading By Julia Pucci May 2013 In the case In re Marriage of Debra N. and Michael S., the Court modified the parties’ joint parenting agreement and granted sole custody to the father, though he had not specifically requested such a modification.
Unbundling family law By Lisa M. Nyuli September 2013 Limited scope representation is sure to be with us as the practice of law continues to change. Family law practitioners need to be proactive in defining what that means for us, and for our clients, so that we can provide high quality services to our clients, regardless of the task.
Where have all the grandmas gone? Standing of grandparents seeking custody under the IMDMA By Marilyn Longwell & Aurelija Juska October 2013 Under House Bill 1452—currently under consideration in the state legislature— the entirety of Section 601 of the IMDMA is repealed and the sections replacing it appear to make no provision whatever under which grandparents can seek custody of their grandchildren.