Pepper v. Colvin

Federal 7th Circuit Court
Civil Court
Social Security
Case Number: 
No. 12-2261
Decision Date: 
April 4, 2013
Federal District: 
C.D. Ill.
Record contained sufficient evidence to support ALJ’s denial of SSDI benefits, even though claimant asserted that several physical and mental impairments affected her ability to work. ALJ could properly find that although claimant’s combination of impairments, including degenerative disc disease, sciatica, obesity, hypertension, hyperglycemia, hyperthyroidism, vision problems and asthma was severe, none of her conditions met or equaled impairment under 20 CFR sections 404.1520(d), 404.1525 or 404.1526, and that claimant had residual functional capacity to perform light work. Ct. rejected claimant’s contention that ALJ failed to explain how medical and other evidence supported his conclusions or why he believed that claimant was not fully credible. Moreover, while ALJ erred in failing to follow “special technique” procedure used to evaluate claimant’s mental limitations, any error was harmless since ALJ provided sufficient information to support ultimate conclusion that claimant’s depression was not severe.