Articles From John H. Henderson

Appellate Court Applies Rules of Contract Interpretation to Underground Slurry Storage and Disposal Lease By John H. Henderson Mineral Law, June 2024 In Campbell v. White County Coal, LLC, the appellate court engaged in a very fact-specific analysis of an underground slurry storage and disposal lease.
Illinois Supreme Court Addresses Riparian Rights Along Non-Navigable Streams: A (Possible) Legislative Response By John H. Henderson Mineral Law, March 2023 The legislature should redefine navigability to be more inclusive because that would promote the state’s interest in recreational uses of waterways for all Illinois residents.
Illinois Supreme Court Addresses Riparian Rights Along Non-Navigable Streams By John H. Henderson Mineral Law, December 2022 On June 16, 2022, the Illinois Supreme Court issued a decision in Holm v. Kodat to determine whether Illinois law granted a riparian owner on a non-navigable river or stream the right to use that waterway to cross the property of another riparian owner without that owner’s permission.
Appellate Court Applies Principles of Deed Construction to Coal Deed By John H. Henderson Mineral Law, December 2020 The appellate court engaged in a very fact-specific analysis of the deeds at the center of Mitchell/Roberts Partnership v. Williamson Energy and determined that subsidence rights were conveyed with each parcel conveyed by each deed at issue in the case.
2020: Rough Times for the Coal Industry By John H. Henderson Mineral Law, June 2020 A look at the general health of and outlook for the Illinois coal industry in 2020.
End of session summary of legislation affecting the coal industry By John H. Henderson Mineral Law, June 2019 A summary of legislation affecting the coal industry.
An open letter to the coal, oil, and gas industries By John H. Henderson Mineral Law, March 2019 Thoughts on how to help make things better for the coal, oil, and gas industries.
Colorado ballot measures bring discussion of regulatory takings to the mineral extraction industry and to the electorate By John H. Henderson Mineral Law, December 2018 A summary of two propositions Colorado voters recently voted on, both of which would have an effect on the oil and gas industry.
What the new regulatory atmosphere in Washington could mean for the Illinois coal industry By John H. Henderson Mineral Law, September 2018 The regulatory developments coming from the Trump administration—particularly those from the Environmental Protection Agency and the Department of Energy—are once again likely to have a greater effect on the power sector and all sources of energy than any other recent developments.
Coal industry finding help in Washington, but how much will the industry benefit? By John H. Henderson Mineral Law, June 2018 Recently, there have been seemingly positive announcements from the Department of Energy and the Environmental Protection Agency that have come as a result of the new administration under President Trump. But will these announcements really give the ailing industry a much-needed boost?
Headwinds for the U.S. coal industry and what it means for Illinois By John H. Henderson Mineral Law, March 2018 In this article, author John Henderson takes closer look at some of the headwinds and challenges facing the coal industry in the U.S.
The Illinois coal industry: Where it’s been, where it is, and where it’s (maybe) going By John H. Henderson Mineral Law, December 2017 For the next 30 years or so, the Illinois Basin is expected to maintain its current level of production and become a bigger fish in a shrinking pond. With the recoverable tons it has, the coal industry in Illinois should be a prominent national factor for years to come.

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