Privacy and Information Security Law

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The Privacy and Information Security Section was created in recognition that the field of privacy law is evolving at an exponential rate. The new section was proposed by Ari Scharg, a partner at Edelson PC in Chicago, and approved by the ISBA Board of Governors.

“It is rare, in this day and age, to find an area of the law that is in its infancy.  But with the rapid developments of new technologies and society’s evolving sensitivity to privacy issues, we find ourselves in the midst of exciting times” said Scharg, who will serve as the section’s chair. “Courts and legislators are grappling with complex issues ranging from how to define privacy harms to what types of information are subject to privacy concerns.  We are seeing case law nudge these issues along on a monthly, if not weekly, basis.”

The section will serve as a comprehensive resource for lawyers who practice in or are interested in the privacy and information security space to learn about information sharing practices. It will also provide a forum to discuss global developments and emerging technologies that will disrupt current business practices; learn best practices and debate issues; and review, monitor, and propose relevant legislation.

The scope of the proposed Privacy and Information Security Section would be:

  • To educate ISBA members about privacy and information security law;
  • To monitor developments in this cutting edge practice area;
  • To enhance the professional skills of lawyers who practice in this area through continuing legal education programs and publications;
  • To provide timely analysis of global developments in cybersecurity, privacy, and data protection law;
  • To discuss emerging technologies and their implications on current business practices;
  • To provide a forum to discuss best practices and debate new privacy issues;
  • To review, monitor and propose legislation impacting privacy and information security; and
  • To provide a forum for all entities, lawyers, and other interested parties to work for the refinement and improvement of laws and systems impacting privacy and information security.

We’re kicking off the new ISBA Privacy and Information Security Law Section by offering all ISBA members free membership to the section for the 2018-2019 bar year. The free year of section membership ends June 30, 2019.