New ISBA Leadership Academy will train the next generation of attorneys.
September 2019 • Volume 107 • Number 9
Practice News
Communicating with clients through Facebook and texting: pros and cons.
How to respond to client expungement and sealing inquiries in the wake of significant criminal record reforms in Illinois.
Justice Neville’s final appellate court decision has recalibrated the balance between the rights of condominium-unit owners and the obligations of condominium officers and board members.
By allowing secondary considerations, such as unexpected results, to overcome obviousness-type double-patenting rejections, is the federal circuit circumventing the purpose for the rejections? If the purpose for court-created rejections is relatively unimportant, perhaps the courts should end the practice.
The late justice’s career began and bloomed in Illinois and Chicago.
Developing resilience through practice, learning, and rest.