In re Marriage of Wendy S.

Illinois Appellate Court
Civil Court
Child Custody
Case Number: 
2020 IL App (1st) 191661
Decision Date: 
Friday, March 20, 2020
1st Dist.
Cook Co., 6th Div.

Court entered order striking a minor(one-sentence) section from a previous custody judgment (of 125 pages) between pro se Respondent (father) and Petitioner (mother). Mother's amended motion was erroneously title an amended section 2-1401 motion, but it was actually a petition to modify custody as she specifically sought to modify the custody judgment by striking one sentence from it. That sentence prevented parties from filing any motions related to custody unless they first submitted a written report from a psychologist designated as a "behavioral parenting coach". That section deprives parties of their abilities to be able to seek modifications of custody of their own accord. Striking that section of judgment was a minor modification made in best interests of the children, and was not an abuse of discretion. (MIKVA and HARRIS, concurring.)