CLE for New Lawyers

CLE Programs

Upcoming CLE

ISBA members who have been practicing for five years or less can attend most CLE programs for only $25! It is a great way to meet fellow attorneys.

Get the tools you need to advise your clients on medical malpractice claims and premises liability cases with this informative online seminar.

Register Now for LIVE WEB - Tort Law Toolkit: Navigating Medical Malpractice and Premises Liability Claims

View all upcoming CLE

On-Demand CLE

As an ISBA member you can take up to 15 hours of Free On-Demand CLE per bar year from our huge selection of online archived programs in streaming and podcast formats.

Newly Admitted Attorneys: Satisfy your Illinois Basic Skills MCLE requirement with this complimentary program!

Register Now for Basic Skills - ISBA's Program for Newly Admitted Attorneys

Browse all On-Demand CLE

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