News & Publications

From case digests to legal analysis to breaking news, from books to blog posts, ISBA publications help you practice smarter and stay abreast of the law and the legal community. Better yet, most are free to ISBA members.

Illinois Bar Journal

Collaborative practice, winning Fool Me Once entries, wrongful death and the decedent’s character, calendar chaos, and more.

Read the current issue

  • Illinois Lawyer Now

    Illinois Lawyer Now is the ISBA’s blog aggregation site that hosts original ISBA substantive legal news and content from ISBA members’ blogs. The Illinois Lawyer Now Digest is sent to ISBA members every other Thursday, alternating with The Bar News e-newsletter.

  • E-Clips

    Emailed daily or weekly to members, E-Clips contains Illinois and Seventh Circuit case digests with links to the full text slip opinions, links to law-related news stories, pending legislation, and upcoming CLE.

  • Section Newsletters

    ISBA Section Newsletters are peer-written and packed with timely, practice-oriented information. They are free to Section members, but you must be a member of the Section to get them.

The Bar News


Family Law Toolkit: 2024 Edition

Family Law Toolkit: 2024 Edition

Written by members of the ISBA Family Law Section Council, the 2024 Family Law Toolkit is a quick reference guide that no family law practitioner should be without. It includes relevant statutes, caselaw, and supreme court rules.

Visit the ISBA Bookstore

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  • ISBA Website
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