June 2015Volume 8Number 1PDF icon PDF version (for best printing)

Standing Committee on Women and the Law

Our committee reaches out in many directions: education, service, promotion and recognition of women and women’s groups, legislation and networking.

Our subcommittee on legislation reviews all legislation that pertains to women and women’s issues. The committee as a whole then discusses it and gives input to the subcommittee chair to relay back to the Legislation Committee of the ISBA.

We are all bully on education of all kinds. We do a number of CLE programs in person and on video every year. The committee members are very talented and smart and produce popular programs with good ratings.

We have reached out to such places as Dwight Correctional and did an on-site tour. It was a good learning exercise for both our committee and the female inmates. We have also gone to Northern Illinois School of Law for a marvelous panel program of judges and their experiences in getting to where they are today. This was a Women’s History Month event.

Many of our members have received awards for their leadership and participation in the ISBA and their community. They have also done service activities for the Women Everywhere Program.

While doing all of these activities, the committee has come closer together and enjoys networking for friendship and business.

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