December 2007Volume 9Number 2PDF icon PDF version (for best printing)


Now that the age of Minimum Continuing Legal Education (MCLE) is upon us, the Committee on Government Lawyers shares with you some important MCLE Web sites. Remember, the first batch of attorneys (those with a last name beginning with the letters “A” through “M”) must have their requirements fulfilled by June 30, 2008.   is the MCLE Board’s own Web site. It has buttons about the rules, providers, fees, and forms. The site also has up-to-date information, such as the rule effective October, 2007, allowing an attorney to apply for credit for out-of-state CLE courses. Very helpful is a link to approved providers and courses. 

The ISBA LAW ED center is one-stop shopping for CLE information. The Law Ed calendar provides monthly updates on upcoming seminars. Programs planned extend to September 2008 already!  . 

The Chicago Bar Association provides information in their CLE Institute.  . The site provides information about upcoming seminars as well as information about DVDs and books. If you miss a seminar, there is still a way to view the seminar and obtain credit subject to certain rules.
The ABA Center for Continuing Legal Education specifically provides a form for Illinois MCLE credit for ABA seminars.  . Many programs are webcast or teleconference for great convenience.

As always, IICLE provides many seminars and opportunities for MCLE credit.  . 

By planning ahead, you can attend MCLE seminars in your area of interest at the lowest rate. Don’t be caught on the last day trying to register for a seminar about which you have no interest simply to fulfill your MCLE obligation.

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