June 2006Volume 11Number 4PDF icon PDF version (for best printing)

The Chicago Foundation for Women

The lead article in the March 2006 Catalyst, “Supreme Court Justice Talks About the ‘F’ Word,” summarized the remarks of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg when she was the recipient of an award from the Chicago Foundation for Women. The following provides additional information regarding the Foundation.

One of the largest women’s funds in the world, the Chicago Foundation for Women believes that all women and girls should have the opportunity to achieve their potential and live in safe, just, and healthy communities. For the last 20 years, the Foundation has influenced social justice through advocacy, leadership development, and public and grantee education. In addition, the organization has awarded more than 2,000 grants totaling $12 million to hundreds of organizations that make life better for women and girls in the Chicago metropolitan area. The Foundation’s core values include gender-specific funding, diversity, accessibility and choice. Its work is rooted in three principles of women’s human rights: economic self-sufficiency, freedom from violence, and access to health services and information. For more information on Chicago Foundation for Women, call 312-836-0126 or visit www.cfw.org. 

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