October 2015Volume 21Number 2PDF icon PDF version (for best printing)

Life events

We are starting a new regular column in The Catalyst to celebrate important events in the lives of the members of the ISBA’s Women and the Law. If you have an important event you would like to share with members, either personal (e.g., marriage, birth of a baby) or professional (e.g., promotion, opening of a new office), please send it to the editors of the newsletter for publication. This month, we have three items to share involving members of the Women and the Law Committee:

Kelly Thames was recently engaged and will be married on March 5, 2016!

Julie Neubauer had a baby! Many of us were able to meet handsome Cole Derek Johnson at the Annual Meeting. He was born on April 29, 2015!

Julie Neubauer is also going to be a regular contributor for the new Chicago Bar Association blog for working parent attorneys. It is called Balancing Act: A guide for Working Parents. The blog just launched. Check it out: https://cbabalancingact.wordpress.com/

Congratulations to you both!

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