August 2016Volume 22Number 1PDF icon PDF version (for best printing)

Life events

We think that it is important to celebrate important events in the lives of the members of the ISBA’s Women and the Law. If you have an important event you would like to share with members, either personal (e.g., marriage, birth of a baby) or professional (e.g., promotion, opening of a new office), please send it to the editors of the newsletter for publication. This month, we have three items to share involving members of the Women and the Law Committee:

Kelly Thames Bennett has changed law firms and is now with the Law Offices of J. Jeltes, Ltd.

Alice Sackett has changed her name from Alice Henrikson to Alice Sackett. She became a named partner on June 1, 2016 in the firm: Turner & Sackett, LLC aka Turner & Sackett Law Offices. Alice was recently elected to the Secretary-Treasurer position of the Kane County Bar Association, and took office July 1, 2016. This position puts Alice on track to be Vice President and then President in the following years.

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