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March 2023Volume 3Number 4PDF icon PDF version (for best printing)

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The ISBA’s Food Law Section Council and the University of Illinois’ Bock Agricultural Law & Policy Program will co-host the 5th Annual Bock Agricultural Law & Policy Fall Symposium on September 15, 2023 from 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM. The program will be held at the ISBA’s Chicago Regional Office, 20 S. Clark St., Suite 900, Chicago, IL 60603-1802. 

The symposium will provide updates to a variety of food and beverage topics of interest to legal practitioners and other professionals in the food and agricultural industries. Anticipated topics include product development and innovation, agrivoltaics, beverage licensing, food labels, and an update to government food assistance programs. The goal of the symposium is to encourage dialogue and information sharing between the agricultural and food law sectors by bringing together professionals from both realms. 

Check the ISBA’s website and future Food Law Section Council newsletters for more details in the future. 

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