Blanchard v. Berrios

Illinois Supreme Court
Civil Court
Home Rule
Case Number: 
2016 IL 120315
Decision Date: 
Thursday, December 1, 2016
1st Dist.
Cook Co.
Appellate court affirmed.

(Court opinion corrected 12/5/16.) As Cook County is a home rule unit, it is invested with same sovereign power as state government, except where explicitly limited by legislature. Thus, Cook County can exercise its home rule authority by investing subpoena power in the Inspector General, a commission, or a committee.  Ordinance adopted by Cook County Board of Commissioners, which imposed a duty on all county officials including elected officers to cooperate with investigations conducted by Inspector General (IG) and to comply with subpoenas issued by IG as part of those investigations, is constitutional as applied to Assessor. Thus, Assessor must comply with subpoena issued by IG. (KARMEIER, THOMAS, KILBRIDE, GARMAN, BURKE, and THEIS, concurring.)