On Camera Presentation Tips

You may also download a PDF of On Camera Presentation Tips

Preparation, Preparation, Preparation

  • The best preparation is to know your materials and be yourself
  • Identify Learning Objectives
  • Fully Develop Written Materials for Attendees (you may refer to them on-camera as attendees will have an online PDF of your materials)
  • Develop PowerPoint slides for visual interest during presentation – online webcast viewers will see both you and the Power Point slides on-screen
  • Prepare questions for the Moderator to ask you during the interview format and write an outline of your answers
  • Rehearse on your own. Practice in front of a mirror or on video with your home video camera. Use enthusiasm in your delivery.
  • Conduct pre-interview with moderator, if possible

Prepare for your on-camera appearance

  • Wear solid color clothing that fits and is comfortable. Dark, solid colors work best. Avoid intricate patterns and shiny fabrics as they can cause problems for the camera and viewer. Also avoid green in case the green screen is used.
  • If you wear make-up, wear generous amounts - the camera and lights can make you appear washed out. Consider powder to avoid a shine.
  • Arrive early to make sure everything is ready and give yourself time to relax

Present with Confidence

  • Do not read. It’s ok to refer to your notes, but don’t read verbatim.
  • Announce what you are going to say, and then say it
  • Repeat and Summarize
  • Use real life or hypothetical examples
  • Look at the moderator as you converse in the interview format. You will very rarely look directly at a camera.
  • Follow structure of your written materials and pre-planned outline.
  • Stay within time limits
  • Smile, as much as is naturally possible