June 2006Volume 7Number 4PDF icon PDF version (for best printing)

MCLE Board Chairman addresses Government Bar Association; Director of MCLE Board chosen

Chairman’s Address

In February, Jack Brooks, Chairman of the Illinois MCLE Board, spoke to the Government Bar Association, an affiliate of the ISBA. Mr. Brooks advised that the process of getting the MCLE system operating, including writing the rules for crediting MCLE hours, was still in the very early stages and counseled “if you go to the (Board) Web site looking for information, and it is not there, it is because we have not yet determined the answer.”

Brooks expressed his confidence that the new Board would be self supporting but could not then disclose how it would be funded in the interim. He estimated that the number of MCLE hours Illinois attorneys would be reporting annually, based on the comparably sized state of Ohio, would be approximately 700,000. He noted that to date, several thousand applications for MCLE credit had already been submitted to the Board for approval.

Additional information regarding the MCLE Board and the MCLE program may be found at: http://www.state.il.us/court/MCLE/

Director of the MCLE

On April 11, 2006, the Illinois Supreme Court approved the appointment of Karen L. Johnson as the first Director of Illinois’ MCLE Board. In its release announcing the appointment, the Court stated that Johnson will interpret and implement the directions of the nine member MCLE Board, direct the office operations supporting the Board’s activities, and represent the Board and office in liaison with other court offices. Johnson is a former private attorney, law firm educational director, and bar association leader.

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