The 2010 update of Illinois' ethics rules make it easier to sell a law practice. But what about practical issues like valuation and transition planning? Seasoned solos offer advice.
Illinois Bar Journal | January 2011 Table of Contents
January 2011 • Volume 99 • Number 1

Practice News
Is your client's ex unwilling to get work or deliberately taking a lesser-paying job to avoid paying support or maintenance?
Here are resources and remedies you need to know about.
Goodbye to the "Conspiracy" Theory of Personal Jurisdiction?
Many companies promise officers and directors an advance of litigation expenses for suits filed against them. But employers may be surprised by the potential costs of this perk.
With public schools under increasing financial pressure, legitimate district residents are sometimes presented with a tuition bill. Here's what to do when it happens to your client.
Nominate Yourself for an ISBA Committee or Section.
What would "the system" look like if we designed it for our children?
Those faced with foreclosure need legal advice, not more legislation.
Succession planning might just be part of your ethical duty of diligence.
Should the government, not vendors, produce "official" versions of the law?
Once made, a custody determination is hard to reverse.