Recent Illinois Supreme Court rule changes enable lawyers to represent clients in litigation for only a portion of a case. Proponents say that's good for lawyers, clients, and judges.
Illinois Bar Journal | October 2013 Table of Contents
October 2013 • Volume 101 • Number 10
Practice News
The why and how of researching prospective jurors online.
An expert can testify with "reasonable certainty" that the defendant's negligence "might" have caused the plaintiff's injury. Lawyers should understand the difference between these concepts.
The authors describe a new strategy to help defend against trustee plaintiffs who may lack proper standing to bring a foreclosure suit.
Should your client organize as a corporation? An LLP? An LLLP? An L3C? This back-to-basics article identifies the entities and the factors to consider when choosing among them.
More on recorders and red-flagging; Bankruptcy and divorce.
Though women lawyers have come a long way, there's unfinished business.
Looking for a chance to lead? To grow? To make a difference in the Illinois State Bar Association and the legal profession? Then consider nominating yourself for one of our many section councils and committees for 2014-15.
It's time for employers to start designing workplace rules to accommodate concealed carry.
A recent Virginia case offers dos and don'ts for lawyer blogging.
Why is Breaking Bad's shady Saul Goodman so popular?