Subject Index Gaming

Illinois Gaming Board now allowed to deactivate gaming terminals of licensed video gaming locations

Illinois Law Update
, Page 16
The administrator may deactivate a licensee’s terminal if the licensee: 1) fails to pay money owed to the board; 2) has their state or local liquor license suspended, revoked, or expire; or 3) fails to comply with a valid order from the board.

Casino owners now have affirmative duty to prevent ineligible persons from gambling

Illinois Law Update
, Page 16
The Illinois Gaming Board amended the Part titled Riverboat and Casino Gambling. The rulemaking places an affirmative duty on owner licensees to prevent individuals who are ineligible to place wagers, such as those who are underage, from accessing the gaming floor.

New Racing Board amendment makes claiming races more competitive

Illinois Law Update
, Page 16
The Illinois Racing Board adopted an amendment in its implementation of the Illinois Horse Racing Act. The amendment intends to make claiming races more competitive for horsemen with smaller stables.

Illinois Gaming Board enacts rules clarifying digital service and license renewal fees

Illinois Law Update
, Page 14
The Illinois Gaming Board adopted amendments to the part titled Video Gaming (General), which implements sections of the Video Gaming Act.

Licensed terminal operator transfers to require board approval

Illinois Law Update
, Page 18
The Illinois Gaming Board adopted amendments to the Part titled Video Gaming (General), requiring that any transfer of ownership interest in a licensed terminal operator be approved by the board.

Petitions challenging video gaming agreements

Illinois Law Update
, Page 14
The Illinois Gaming Board (IGB) adopted an amendment to Video Gaming (General). The amendment authorizes IGB to rule on petitions brought by interested parties, such as terminal operators and licensed video-gaming locations, alleging that an agreement or portion of an agreement purporting to control the location and operation of video-gaming terminals is invalid.

Sports Gambling: Will Illinois Bet on It?

By Zachary Bock
, Page 36
An overview of recent efforts to legislate sports gambling in Illinois and elsewhere summarizes the wide range of decisions that need to be made before bets are placed in Illinois.

Amendments to the Video Gaming Act give the Illinois Gaming Board exclusive authority over use agreements between terminal operators and gaming locations

Illinois Law Update
, Page 18
Adopted amendments to the Video Gaming Act (11 Ill. Adm. Code 1800 (eff. June 13, 2017)) replaces a previous emergency amendment from February 7, 2017, and implements the decision reached by the Illinois Supreme Court in J&J Ventures Gaming, LLC v. Wild Inc., 2016 IL 119870. This amendment provides the Illinois Gaming Board (IGB) with exclusive authority over use agreements between terminal operators and licensed video gaming locations.

New regulations for video gaming centers within malls

Illinois Law Update
, Page 18
The Illinois Gaming Board adopted amendments to Video Gaming, adding a new section that regulates video gaming locations within malls.

Use agreements now under exclusive authority of Illinois Gaming Board

Illinois Law Update
, Page 16
An emergency amendment gave the Illinois Gaming Board (IGB) exclusive authority over use agreements between terminal operators and licensed video gaming locations.

Integrity of video gaming play reexamined by the Gaming Board

Illinois Law Update
, Page 18
The Illinois Gaming Board amended its Video Gaming (General) regulations to impose new restrictions on video gaming terminal (VGT) play in order to ensure its integrity.

Revision of horse racing licensure penalties

Illinois Law Update
, Page 16
The Illinois Racing Board has made two changes to the rules governing horse racing licensure penalties.

Gambling facilities now required to withhold winnings for delinquent child support

Illinois Law Update
, Page 68
"State gaming licensees" including race track wagering facilities, riverboat gambling facilities, or other licensees that operate facilities at which lawful gambling may take place will now be required by the State to withhold winnings where the winner has past due child support payments.

New rules for riverboat casino promotional coupons

Illinois Law Update
, Page 68
The Illinois Gaming Board made three changes to riverboat gambling regulations. 86 Ill. Adm. Code 3000 (eff. Nov. 1, 2013).

Amendments to Illinois Gaming Board policies

Illinois Law Update
, Page 452
As of May 23, 2013, the Illinois Gaming Board (the "Board") made significant changes to the Illinois Gaming Board policies. See 11 Ill. Adm. Code 1800.

Changes to requirements for suppliers of riverboat gambling operations. PA 098-0012

Illinois Law Update
, Page 392
Under the amended Riverboat Gambling Act, suppliers of gambling equipment to riverboat gambling operations have lessened requirements for providing source information on the products and devices supplied to these operations. 230 ILCS 10/8.

Vegas Comes to the Corner Pub: Guiding Business Clients Through the Video Gambling Law

By Peter C. Spier
, Page 186
Do you have clients who want to give video gambling a try? This article explains the legal and regulatory hurdles facing eligible establishments.

New additions to the Illinois State Lottery’s Internet pilot program. PA 097-1121.

Illinois Law Update
, Page 632
The General Assembly has made additions and changes to its Illinois Lottery Internet pilot program, intended to take advantage of the growing Internet market by selling lottery tickets online. 20 ILCS 1605/7.12.

Video gaming expanded to fraternal and veteran establishments without liquor licenses. PA 097-0594

Illinois Law Update
, Page 352
The Video Gaming Act has been amended to allow video gaming in fraternal or veteran establishments without a liquor license (230 ILCS 40/55).

Implementation of the Video Gaming Act

Illinois Law Update
, Page 184
The Video Gaming Act (230 ILCS 40/1) authorizes installation of video gaming terminals used for wagering purposes in various categories of licensed locations and provides for the distribution of specified percentages of video gaming revenues to State and local governments.

Illinois Lottery Law amended for the benefit of Illinois veterans. PA 095-0649

Illinois Law Update
, Page 390
The Illinois Lottery Law was amended by changing section 21.6 of the law. 20 ILCS 1605/21.6. 

Amendments to Charitable Games Act re-enacted - PA 094-0986

Illinois Law Update
, Page 124
In an attempt to avoid previous constitutionality problems, the Illinois General Assembly has passed Public Act 094-0986 in order to re-enact certain amendments originally passed in Public Act 088-0669 but declared unconstitutional by the Illinois Supreme Court in People v Olender, 222 Ill 2d 123, 854 NE2d 593 (2005). 

Rules amended to allow state stewards to void horse races

Illinois Law Update
, Page 650
The Illinois Racing Board has amended part 1306 of title 11, 11 Ill Adm Code 1306. The amendment permits state stewards to have a race voided and to have that race's wagers refunded. 

Requirements for trifecta and superfecta wagering are standardized

Illinois Law Update
, Page 404
The Illinois Racing Board has amended 11 Ill Adm Code 306, to create a common set of requirements for both harness and thorough-bred horse racing regarding trifecta wagering. 

Horseracing rules updated to punish horses running off stride

Illinois Law Update
, Page 334
The Illinois Racing Board has amended part 1318 of title 11, 11 Ill Adm Code 1318, with regard to horse racing. Horses running off stride for longer than one-sixteenth of a mile will now be considered to be in violation of the amended rule.

Riverboat casinos authorized to upgrade their surveillance technology

Illinois Law Update
, Page 334
Effective April 26, 2006, the Illinois Gaming Board amended part 3000 of title 86, 86 Ill Adm Code 3000. 

Changes made to trifecta and superfecta wagering

Illinois Law Update
, Page 230
The Illinois Racing Board has amended Part 306 of Title 11, 11 Ill Adm Code 306 and Part 311 of Title 11, 11 Ill Adm Code 311. 

Losing streak

By Helen W. Gunnarsson
, Page 226
Compulsive gambling is like other pathological behavior that leads lawyers astray, with a big difference – it's not treated as a mitigating factor by the ARDC.

Three-year bingo licenses are now available P.A. 093-0742

Illinois Law Update
, Page 456
Effective immediately, for a triennial fee of $600, the Department of Revenue shall issue a license for the conducting of bingo to any bona fide religious, charitable, labor, fraternal, youth athletic, senior citizen, educational, or veterans' organization organized in Illinois. 

Rules in Place for Vouchers on Riverboats

Illinois Law Update
, Page 600
The Illinois Gaming Board recently adopted significant amendments to 86 Ill. Adm. Code 3000, providing the regulatory framework for the implementation of voucher payment systems in Illinois riverboat gambling facilities.

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