Articles From Randall Edgar

Five top financial tips for young attorneys By Randall Edgar General Practice, Solo, and Small Firm, September 2008 Although any young professional should appreciate sound financial advice, I have written this article to be primarily directed to young attorneys who will face slightly different problems than young business professionals or individuals in other professions.
The benefits of mandatory arbitration in Illinois By Randall Edgar General Practice, Solo, and Small Firm, March 2007 From its inception through the Mandatory Arbitration Act of January 1, 1986, the concept of the Mandatory Arbitration Hearing in Illinois has caused many attorneys to question the benefit and purpose of these “mini hearings.”
An examination of intrastate forum non conveniens in Illinois and the impact of Langenhorst v. Norfolk Southern Railway Company By Randall Edgar General Practice, Solo, and Small Firm, June 2006 Forum non conveniens is a Latin term of art that first-year law students from across the state learn to define in English as “an inconvenient court,” or “inconvenient forum.”

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