Articles From David House

Waivers: Have fun, but sign here first By David House Law Related Education for the Public, January 2018 A waiver can prevent an injured party from recovering for his or her injuries even if the other party was clearly the cause of the injuries. How can this be allowed to happen?
1 comment (Most recent January 20, 2018)
VAP—Standing to challenge By David House Child Law, December 2013 The Illinois Supreme Court will decide this term whether the State has standing to file a motion to declare the nonexistence of a parent child relationship.
In re Austin M. By David House Child Law, September 2012 The case of In re Austin M. is an extremely important decision regarding representation of juveniles in delinquency petitions and should be read with careful attention by all who practice in the this area.  
Five tips for handling a child custody appeal By David House Child Law, June 2012 Of course there are more than five steps to a good appeal, but if you remember these tips, you should be able to survive your first appeal.

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