Articles From Kelly Parfitt

ISBA Human Rights Section Council Gertz awarded to Cindy Galway Buys By Kelly Parfitt Human and Civil Rights, October 2016 Through her tireless representation, research and advocacy, Professor Buys has sought to give dignity and freedom to those seeking a better life in the United States.
ISBA Human Rights Section Council Gertz awarded to Cindy Galway Buys By Kelly Parfitt Women and the Law, August 2016 Through her tireless representation, research and advocacy, Professor Buys has sought to give dignity and freedom to those seeking a better life in the United States.
A successful Laughter in the Law Luncheon By Kelly Parfitt Women and the Law, June 2016 On March 8, the Illinois State Bar Association’s Women and the Law Committee hosted its annual luncheon, ‘Laughter in the Law,’ at Maggiano’s in downtown Chicago.

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