Articles From Brett J. Swanson

Bankruptcy issues relating to personal injury cases By Brett J. Swanson Commercial Banking, Collections, and Bankruptcy, August 2012 In the recent case of Berge v. Kuno Mader and DMG America, Inc., the First District found that the doctrine of judicial estoppel bars a plaintiff from proceeding with a cause of action in state court where the plaintiff fails to disclose the action as an asset in a bankruptcy petition.
Bankruptcy issues relating to personal injury cases By Brett J. Swanson Tort Law, May 2012 In the recent case of Berge v. Kuno Mader and DMG America, Inc., the First District found that the doctrine of judicial estoppel bars a plaintiff from proceeding with a cause of action in state court where the plaintiff fails to disclose the action as an asset in a bankruptcy petition.
1 comment (Most recent May 19, 2012)
YLD drives home another successful golf outing By Brett J. Swanson Young Lawyers Division, October 2007 The 2007 ISBA Young Lawyers Division Golf Classic was held on July 23, 2007 at the Indian Lakes Resort in Bloomingdale, Illinois.
Admissibility of medical records at trial under Illinois Supreme Court Rule 236 By Brett J. Swanson Civil Practice and Procedure, June 2007 It has long been the law that medical experts may base their opinions upon medical records not admitted in evidence at trial.

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