Articles From Annie E. Thar

General and transactional Y2K disclaimers—Limiting the lawyer’s liability for Year 2000-related problems By Annie E. Thar Business and Securities Law, October 1999 "Lawyer is not an expert on Year 2000 matters and any advice regarding Year 2000 measures is outside the scope of this representation."
What you think you know could hurt you: Myths about the Year 2000 problem By Annie E. Thar Business and Securities Law, October 1999 Myth No. 1: "I don't have any Year 2000 concerns because I just use my computer for word processing and I have a paper calendaring system."
Year 2000: The business interruption & legal malpractice risks for every lawyer By Annie E. Thar Business and Securities Law, October 1999 Let's put aside all of the apocalyptic predictions of planes falling out of the sky and global economic collapse.

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