Articles on Adoption

Adoption: “Due and diligent” inquiry By Don C. Hammer Family Law, September 2003 Your client wants to adopt his new wife's child. The wife says she has not heard from the child's father for many years and she doesn't know where he is
Recent cases By Barry H. Greenburg Family Law, May 2001 Summaries of the recent cases of In Re the Marriage of Drury, In Re Petition of Mary Klak, In Re Marriage of Carter, In Re Shaddle, In re Adoption of D___, In Re Marriage of Lehr, In Re Marriage of Gattone, In Re J.P., In Re Marriage of Beerbridge, In Re the Marriage of Buck, In Re Marriage of Didier, In Re the Marriage of Petersen, In Re Donath v. Buckley, In Re Cerven and In Re Troy S. and Rachel S.
Practice trap: Baby Richard turns mischievous? By Terrence M. Madsen General Practice, Solo, and Small Firm, December 2000 Has "Baby Richard" created jurisdictional land mines outside of the Adoption Act that could affect the integrity of sound and secure relationships developed pursuant to the Parentage Act?

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