Articles on Federal Rules of Evidence

Authentication of Electronic Evidence Is a Little Easier By Michael R. Lied Federal Civil Practice, December 2019 An overview of the impact of the 2018 amendments to the Federal Rules of Evidence.
Upcoming amendments to the Federal Rules of Evidence By Patricia Smart Federal Civil Practice, June 2017 Changes to Rule 803(16) and Rule 902 of the Federal Rules of Evidence are scheduled to go into effect December 1, 2017. The amendments grow out of the increased reliance on electronically stored information.
New Federal Rule of Evidence 502 By William L. Niro Federal Civil Practice, December 2008 Federal Rule of Evidence (“FRE”) 502 will take effect December 1, 2008 and is intended to reduce the rising and expensive costs associated with document and electronically stored information (“ESI”) review by protecting against work-product immunity and waiver of the attorney-client privilege.

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