June 2015Volume 6Number 3PDF icon PDF version (for best printing)

Chair’s column

As the 2014-2015 bar year comes to an end, this is the last time I can speak to you from the Chair. It has been an honor to be the Chair of the Section Council whose members are dedicated to the needs and interests of senior lawyers.

I can look back at the Council’s accomplishments in the past year and forward to its plans for the coming year. During 2014-2015, the Council focused attention on developing programs that addressed senior lawyers’ special needs and interests. The activities included a workshop on computer basics and a seminar on making a smooth transition from full time practice to retirement.

The Council is preparing an encore of the earlier presentation on computer basics. That program was so well received that there was a standing room only audience. The workshop also advanced mentoring, another Council goal, by having younger attorneys mentor senior attorneys in developing computer skills.

The Council also has plans to present a program on the different aspects of making the transition from practice to retirement. Careful planning can make the transition more efficient and less painful.

In departing, I wish the Council all the best for the coming year. ■

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