October 2017Volume 9Number 1PDF icon PDF version (for best printing)

From the Chair

It is with great pleasure that I assume the Chair of the Senior Lawyers Section Council for 2017-2018. First, I want to thank our out-going Chair, Frank Ariano, for his leadership during the past year.

Second, I want to remind our members that the mission of the Senior Lawyers Section is to provide service to and create opportunities for ISBA lawyers who are age 55 and up, or who have practiced for at least 25 years.

This year I want our Council to study and address the issue of “transition” that has been or will be faced by our members. There are over 14,000 members of the Senior Lawyers Section. Most of these lawyers reside in Illinois. Of the Illinois residents:

• More than 7,500 of our members (53.6 percent) are Baby Boomers born between 1944 and 1960;

• More than 2,600 members (18.6 percent) were born prior to 1944; and

• Over 2,300 members are part of Generation X that were born between 1961 and 1980.

I have asked the members of our Council’s eight committees (CLE, Newsletter, Technology for Seniors, Member Benefits, Mentoring, Website, Legislation and Strategic Planning) to consider and present proposals and programs that will assist our members as they make their own individual journeys transitioning from the active practice of law to whatever new challenges that they may choose for themselves.

Your Membership in the Senior Lawyer Section has many benefits. I encourage you to check out our webpage at <https://www.isba.org/sections/seniorlawyers>.

I hope that you will use our Listserv, read our Newsletters (maybe contribute an article) and attend our sponsored CLE programs (we are also always looking for new topics).

The Council encourages our members to participate in the Section’s planning process to help develop and support programs and events. We need your input and help to be successful in serving the members of our Association.

Thanks. Tim

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