June 2018Volume 9Number 3

From the chair

Thanks for the opportunity to serve as the chair of your Senior Lawyers Section Council. It has been a productive year that included sponsoring several CLE courses and three newsletters. I especially want to commend our newsletter editor, John Maville, who keeps us on track. We have several regular contributors, but we are always looking for more authors.

This has been a year of transition for me as I have retired. More importantly, however, our ISBA past president, Russ Hartigan, has been on the cutting edge of transition issues, most notably with his formation of the Special Committee on Succession and Transition Planning. In case you missed it, this committee’s goal is to help lawyers prepare for and handle the transition of a law practice, whether in an emergency due to a catastrophic event or a planned retirement. Please check out its webpage.

I hope that you are taking advantage of the new online community platform ISBA Central. There, members of our section can ask and answer questions, post messages, share documents, and connect with other members. The email address for our section’s community is isba-SeniorLawyers@ConnectedCommunity.org. As a reminder, your messages are sent to all members in this community. Please be aware that any message, whether a "test" or a simple reply, does hit every email inbox and will have an effect on the overall community experience. 

Finally, thanks to the members of the section council for their work on behalf of our ISBA. It has been a privilege to work with them as we endeavor to improve our profession through the ISBA activities. I leave our section in good hands; Judge Pat Leston is taking over the helm as chair for the coming year. Enjoy your summer.

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