March 2016Volume 21Number 4PDF icon PDF version (for best printing)

Business Travel and Breast Milk/Pumping: Milk Stork Review

This is not a sponsored review.

As I prepared for my February conference travel to San Diego, my husband made a list of how many ounces of breast milk my son would need while I was away. Of course our freezer stash had been depleted and I was worried about the logistics of continuing to travel and pump. I was feeling like a cow trying to create a stash prior to the trip and constantly wondering when my 13 month old son would wean.

I decided to try Milk Stork,1 which is a new business travel solution for breastfeeding moms. It was somewhat expensive but the no-fuss, refrigerated, express shipping of breast milk home to my son made it worthwhile. I felt much more relaxed knowing that my son would have been okay even if I ended up getting stuck in California due to inclement weather in Chicago. It is another one of those breastfeeding solutions that I wish I had thought of!


1. For more details, go to Milk Stork’s beta web site:

Member Comments (1)

This is such a great service - thanks for sharing!

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