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July 2019Volume 6Number 1PDF icon PDF version (for best printing)

From the chair and editor

Statistics indicate that between 20 to 25 percent of the population has some form of mental illness. Although the forms of mental illness range from anxiety to schizophrenia, from eating to bipolar disorders, the numbers are staggering. That’s one in every four or five people! Do the math. That means that one person in almost every family has some form of mental illness, and all the family members are somehow affected by that illness.
In addition, statistics also indicate that the incidence of mental illness is greater in certain professions, the law being one of them.

Given the odds, mental illness affects every single one of us. How is it, then, that mental health issues still carry such stigma? Why are we not talking more openly about mental illness? 

This issue of Mental Health Matters features two articles focusing on mental health for lawyers. Judge E. Kenneth Wright, Jr. points to some signs and symptoms that should cause concern. Mary F. Petruchius introduces us to Dr. Diana Uchiyama, assistant deputy director of LAP, outlines LAP’s mission and services, and details ways for lawyers to access LAP services.

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