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February 2020Volume 6Number 2PDF icon PDF version (for best printing)

Editor’s Note

This issue highlights recent appellate decisions addressing mental health issues, an important new law that takes aim at the deficiencies in mental health services for youth across Illinois, and an informal attorney general opinion on authority to prosecute a petition for involuntary admission (commitment). One of the appellate cases is an interesting discussion of confidentiality issues in mental health law. This is particularly timely in light of the January 15 webcast on that very issue that was presented by the ISBA Bench & Bar Section and the ISBA Privacy and Information Security Law Section and co-sponsored by this section. For those who missed the live presentation, the one-hour program is well worth the time!

Also, save the date of May 13 for our half-day live program during Mental Health Month. Details will be forthcoming.

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