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February 2021Volume 7Number 2PDF icon PDF version (for best printing)

Editor’s Note

This issue of Mental Health Matters is dedicated largely to the Illinois Mental Health Task Force Virtual Summit Sessions convened by Illinois Supreme Court Chief Justice Anne Burke. The October 2020 issue contained a report on the first session, and this issue covers the remaining fall programs. Congratulations to Justice Burke on gathering so many stakeholders together for this virtual summit—because of and in spite of the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Special thanks go to my colleagues in Kane County for their contributions to this issue. Assistant public defenders Eun Yoon and Juanita Archuleta graciously reported on virtual summit sessions 2 and 3, respectively. In addition, Dr. Alexandra Tsang, director of the Kane County Diagnostic Center, prepared the article on COVID-19 and Mental Health. My apologies for not getting that article published in a more timely fashion.

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