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March 2024Volume 10Number 2PDF icon PDF version (for best printing)

European Congress Showcases Innovative Mental Health Treatments

Every autumn, the European College of Neuropsychopharmacology (ECNP) Congress brings together psychiatrists, neuroscientists, neurologists and psychologists from around the world to discuss the latest developments in the science and treatment of brain disorders. The ECNP Congress is Europe’s premier showcase for new research, treatments and technologies in applied brain science.

The annual ECNP Congress attracts some 6,000 participants with an interest in:

  • Treatment research in psychiatry, neurology and psychology
  • Mental health care
  • Discoveries in neuroscience and neurobiology
  • The latest developments in industry innovation
  • Public policy and regulation
  • Patient issues

The ECNP Congress brings participants the best in clinical neuroscience innovation. Two such innovations captured the attention of medical reporters following the 2023 Congress.

Wearable devices can track all sorts of physical health metrics, and now scientists say they have found a way to monitor mental health, specifically bipolar disorder. A bipolar bracelet detects changing electrical signals in the skin linked to manic or depressed moods. By constantly tracking physiological biomarkers associated with mood changes, researchers say they hope the wearable bracelet may one day be able to diagnose patients, determine potential triggers and provide more rapid and personalized treatments.

It may be possible to run away from depression. Researchers wanted to see if exercise could rival anti-depressants or relieving symptoms in those suffering with depression and anxiety. They found that not only did exercise relieve depression, it provided physical benefits and did not cause the same side effects as medication therapy. After 16 weeks, study participants who ran had better mood and felt better overall, but the dropout rate was much higher for the exercise group. This suggests that for prolonged depression management, patients find taking a pill to be easier, even when the medication may cause side effects. 

The next ECNP Congress is slated for September 21-24, 2024, in Milan, Italy.

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