Section Activities Summary

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Below is a summary of activities of this section from July 1, 2022 through June 30, 2023. While past activity is no guarantee of future activity, it may give a idea of what to expect this year.

Section Stats

Continuing Legal Education

Section members receive discounts on section-sponsored CLE programs. During the 2022–23 bar year, the Section sponsored the following programs:

ISBA Central Discussions

ISBA Central communities allows section members to pose questions, answer questions, and share information with fellow section members. Members of the section get free access to the section’s community. Joining any section also grants you access to the Transactional and Litigation communities. Below are the total number of discussion posts during the 2022–23 bar year.

Tort Law

  • Community members: 1,310
  • Total discussion posts: 20


  • Community members: 25,498
  • Total discussion posts: 582


  • Community members: 25,497
  • Total discussion posts: 1,794


The Section Council reviewed 37 bills that may affect their members’ practice area. Highlights of the most recent legislative session include:

  • House Bill 219 amends the Wrongful Death Act to allow punitive damages under the Act exempting State and local units of government.
  • Senate Bill 1748 amends the Code of Civil Procedure to do two things. (1) If a defendant seeks a physical or mental examination of the plaintiff during discovery, it allows the plaintiff to have an additional person to be present and video record the examination. (2) Amends the statute giving a preference for a trial setting by lowering the age of a party from 70 to 67 and includes the surviving spouse or next of kin in a wrongful death action.
  • House Bill 1155 amends the Drug or Alcohol Impaired Minor Responsibility Act to expand liability to any adult who willfully permits consumption of liquor or illegal drugs to a person under the age of 18 causing impairment on any premises owned or controlled by the adult. Current law limits liability to nonresidential premises.