Illinois Judicial Conference Releases Three-Year Strategic Plan

The Illinois Judicial Conference (IJC) has announced its three-year strategic agenda for the Illinois judicial branch.

The IJC has created a mission statement, vision statement, and core values for the branch, along with strategic goals and strategies designed to achieve them. The agenda will serve as a guide for the future of the branch as it begins the implementation phase.

The mission of the branch will be “to protect the rights and liberties of all by providing equal access to justice, resolving disputes, and upholding the rule of law pursuant to the powers and duties entrusted to us by the Illinois Constitution.”

The vision of the branch is “to be trusted and open to all by being fair, innovative, diverse, and responsive to changing needs.”

The core values of the branch are:

  • Fairness – impartial in our actions, decisions, and treatment of all. 
  • Accountability– responsible and answerable for our conduct and performance, and transparent in the use of public resources. 
  • Integrity – honest, trustworthy, and committed to the highest ethical and professional standards. 
  • Respect– treat all with dignity, courtesy, and understanding.

The strategic goals of the branch are to provide:

  • Accessible justice & equal protection under the law
  • Procedural fairness, timeliness, & operational efficiency
  • Professionalism & accountability throughout the judicial branch
  • Understanding of & confidence in the judicial branch
  • Sufficient funding & effective use of judicial branch resources

For more information, visit the Illinois Supreme Court’s website.

Posted on October 2, 2019 by Rhys Saunders
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