Remote Proceedings Task Force Seeks Public Feedback With Surveys

The Illinois Judicial Conference’s Remote Proceedings Task Force (Task Force) announced today the publication of two short surveys as they hope to hear from both the legal community and the community at large about remote court experiences and preferences. One survey is for judges, attorneys, and other legal professionals and one is for members of the general public, which includes self-represented litigants. 

Complete one of the Remote Court Surveys. The surveys will remain open until June 23, 2022

“We are particularly interested in hearing from the general public to ensure their views are well represented,” said Justice Mary K. Rochford, Chair of the Task Force. “Studies have shown remote proceedings increase access to justice for court participants and it is important to include them in this process.”  

The Task Force will use the survey responses to inform the proposals they will make to the Illinois Judicial Conference (IJC) on continuing to encourage remote court proceedings. The IJC’s charge to the Task Force included: “assessing the impact of changes on judges, employees, attorneys, litigants, other court participants (e.g., self-represented, jurors, witnesses, interpreters).” 

The Task Force will work with circuit clerks, Court Navigator Network members, and other justice partners to share the surveys both electronically as well as in hard copy for those who wish to provide feedback on paper.  

The Task Force, created in March of this year, is composed of circuit judges, trial court administrators, circuit clerks, and practicing attorneys and makes recommendations to the Supreme Court about potential rule and policy changes and trainings to further the use of virtual methods for conducting court business.  

Posted on May 26, 2022 by Celeste Antoinette Niemann
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