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February 2023Volume 53Number 4PDF icon PDF version (for best printing)

Access to Justice Subcommittee Update

The Access to Justice subcommittee met on January 23 to discuss issues related to encouraging pro bono work, self-represented litigants, and general access to our court system. The subcommittee is researching and preparing a comprehensive resource guide for county resources as they relate to self-represented litigants, as well as pro bono availability. 

The subcommittee discussed how counties have created websites with links to their local self-help groups, as well as links to the Illinois Supreme Court Commission on Access to Justice. There was a discussion regarding how accessible we have made the court system. A brief chat was held on the newly implemented Illinois Supreme Court Rule 45 regarding Remote Appearances in Circuit Court Proceedings, which became effective on January 1, 2023.

The subcommittee wants to reach out to fellow members of Bench and Bar Section regarding the following:

  1. What resources, in your home county/circuit, are available to self-represented litigants? These could be forms, self-help desks, etc. 
  2. Does your home county/circuit have a pro bono program?
  3. Regarding the newly implemented Illinois Supreme Court Rule 45, are your local courts facilitating Zoom (or similar) access for litigants? If so, how is that information made accessible for members of the public. If not, what do you think is the number one barrier is in the implementation?

If you feel so inclined, please think about the questions and send a response or two to Judge Patrice Ball-Reed or Kaylan Huber, the co-chairs of the Access to Justice subcommittee. 


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