Do you know about the Illinois Safe Haven Law?

Many in the legal community do not and this is a chance to make a life or death difference. By Dawn Geras At an event that I recently attended there were hundreds of lawyers and dozens of judges in attendance. I had the opportunity to ask if they knew about the Illinois “Safe Haven law”. Does it surprise you to learn that many did not? Let me ask: DO YOU KNOW ABOUT THE LAW? The Abandoned Newborn Infant Protection Act became effective on August 17, 2001. The Act, often referred to as the Safe Haven law, allows a parent to anonymously relinquish an unharmed newborn up to 30 days old to a staff member at a designated safe haven. Safe havens in Illinois are hospitals, emergency medical facilities, fire houses, police stations and county sheriff stations that have staff present. All designated safe havens are required to have a safe haven sign posted in a conspicuous place on the exterior of the building. Maybe you have seen this sign and wondered what it was about. The law is intended to save the lives of the youngest, most vulnerable among us: newborn babies. It provides parents who might otherwise abandon a newborn in a dumpster or other unsafe place with a responsible, legal and anonymous option. The law is simple and it works. 60 babies have been safely and legally relinquished under the law since it was enacted nearly nine years ago. Tragically, 61 other babies were unsafely and illegally abandoned. So unsafely abandoned, that 30 of them did not survive. Why isn’t the law working for more babies? How many more innocent lives will be lost? Again, ask yourself, did YOU know about the law? The problem is that most people still don’t. If an intelligent person like you didn’t know, how can we expect those who need this information to know that this option exists? Who needs to know about the law? Everyone. Babies are illegally and unsafely discarded by parents of all ages, races and socioeconomic backgrounds. Known age of mothers:                             Known race of newborn: Age 14–17:             17.11 %                        African/Black:               27.72% Age 18–24:             44.74%                         Caucasian/White:          43.56% Age 25–30:             22.37%                         Latino/Hispanic             20.79% Age 31–41:             15.79%                         Mixed/Other                   7.92% (Statistics as of June 1, 2010) Now that you know about the law, will you help? It is not often that anyone has an opportunity to make a life or death difference. Please do your part to share what you now know about the safe haven law and ask your family, friends and coworkers to spread the word, too. Be a part of saving the life of an innocent newborn baby. Tell a friend. Talk about it. You might save a life. The Save Abandoned Babes Foundation is a 501(c)3 nonprofit, 100% volunteer organization. The grassroots volunteers formed in 2000 to write the Abandoned Newborn Protection Act and lobby for its passage. The Foundation’s mission is to prevent illegal abandonment of infants by making parents aware of safe and legal options. Almost every year since enacting the original law, the group has gone back to amend and improve the law. If you are interested in helping or would like more information, call the Save Abandoned Babies Foundation at 312-440-0229, visit or find us on Facebook at “Save Abandoned Babies”.
Posted on July 19, 2010 by Chris Bonjean
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